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“I feel like every project I work on is a dream project, so long as I am learning.” 
― Simeon Kondev


Lifestream Day

Capture d’écran 2023-03-18 à 15.42.49.png

As seen in the teaser, this project was born on Twitch on my birthday, making an analogy towards the birth of a new virtual life. Since my generation was part of the new technologies and social networks, my intrigue about our own data, texts, images, videos, has been increasing. What is our role, or rather, how owners are we of our traces that we leave every day ?

In fact, this idea of "filming my everyday life" stems from the introspection of a faculty homework at the University. I made a fictional short film called "Traité d'Haniel" / "D d'Haniel". A kind of pact between my mind and my body. A separation between the thinking and the moving was made while creating the script, creating the character of Haniel (body) and Daniel (mind). The fact of observing my own body acting in a role that was not my daily life made me reflect on my identity.


Talking to myself

So, during the lockdown of 2020, started to use my camera as a partner or even a psychologist, as another part of myself sharing my intimacy. And so, talking about the movies I saw, conversations with my family, my studies, covid-19, climate change, outer wars etc.

I told myself, "History is happening outside and inside this room, don't let it pass without leaving that trace, because in 30 years, this will be a trunk of memories and experiences that you will want to analyze and see yourself again."


 And here I am, it's only been 2 years.

- In other words, LifestreamDay is my diary, my paparazzi, my theater, my cinema, and so on... -

VAG média

VAG média

Né d’une passion commune pour l’art et la culture, nous vous proposons de découvrir la démarche créative des artistes. VAG Média met en lumière les artistes émergents aux concepts singuliers et aux partis pris révélateurs de notre monde.



Paintmood is nothing more than the set of paintings made to calm the restlessness of the moment. I believe that each painting is the synthesis of energies of a given moment.



> Symphonie / accord de son

1. Ensemble harmonieux de choses qui vont parfaitement ensemble. 


> Folie 

1. Dérèglement mental, démence. 

5. Engouement, passion, vif penchant pour quelque chose.

Ce projet est née par hasard pendant j'attendais une amie sur la Grand Place de Lille. Profitant que j'avais mon appareil photo avec moi, je commencé a filmer mon entourage comme d'habitude jusqu'au moment où j'ai repéré la source des bruits un peu arythmiques. C'était un monsieur qui utilisait des baguettes et des spatules de cuisine pour faire de la "musique".

Il prononçait des mots; "je suis, je suis la vie", "je vous aime"....


Musicien de jazz ? Improvisateur, animateur d’une Grand Place ?  

Pourquoi une radio et pourquoi du rap ?

Qu’est-ce qu’il fait, qu’est-ce qu’il attend ? 

Il a l’air content, souriant. Il s’amuse, il joue.

Sympholie is a project in progress that seeks to give visibility to a man with mental problems who works making "music" in the Lille square. The audiovisual proposal is to work with my own found footage that I casually took, do it in black and white and a shiny film effect. My goal is to combine a jazz rhythm with his music, going in and out of his mind. Showing at first daily activities in the square and then, he in solo.


Schizo Van Houten

Split of Milhouse's reality.

Schizophre.nien Profile.png

More than a project, it was a hobby during the first lockdown due to the global covid pandemic. I wanted more than anything to keep myself busy doing something I love for a long time.


And that's how 3 videos of one minute each were born. In these videos Milhouse is repeatedly seen facing a moment of shock where a light takes him out of his reality, without knowing where he went, the space in which he finds himself ends up empty.

Unfortunately, I left this series on pause for the time it took me to make them, and the system returned to normal...

More than a project, it was a hobby during the first lockdown due to the global covid pandemic. I wanted more than anything to keep myself busy doing something I love for a long time.


And that's how 3 videos of one minute each were born. In these videos Milhouse is repeatedly seen facing a moment of shock where a light takes him out of his reality, without knowing where he went, the space in which he finds himself ends up empty.

Unfortunately, I left this series on pause for the time it took me to make them, and the system returned to normal...

More than a project, it was a hobby during the first lockdown due to the global covid pandemic. I wanted more than anything to keep myself busy doing something I love for a long time.


And that's how 3 videos of one minute each were born. In these videos Milhouse is repeatedly seen facing a moment of shock where a light takes him out of his reality, without knowing where he went, the space in which he finds himself ends up empty.

Unfortunately, I left this series on pause for the time it took me to make them, and the system returned to normal...

More than a project, it was a hobby during the first lockdown due to the global covid pandemic. I wanted more than anything to keep myself busy doing something I love for a long time.


And that's how 3 videos of one minute each were born. In these videos Milhouse is repeatedly seen facing a moment of shock where a light takes him out of his reality, without knowing where he went, the space in which he finds himself ends up empty.

Unfortunately, I left this series on pause for the time it took me to make them, and the system returned to normal...

Instagram format (vertical video)

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so we can create creative projects together !
  +33 07 66 62 02 05
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